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Laura Krause


Laura Krause

Hometown: Brisbane, Australia

College/Major: Fashion Design/Business Marketing

Favorite Travel Destination: London

Bucketlist Destination: Malta

Number of Countries Visited: 16

Study Abroad Program: Fashion Institute of Technology

What made you decide to work for FlorenceforFun?
I love to travel and to meet new people. I had such a great study abroad experience I decided to extend my time in Italy.

Advice for Study Abroaders?
Be open to new experiences. Nowhere in the world is ever going to be the same as where you’re from so don’t expect it to be. Always head to new places with an open mind so you can fully take in the culture.

Most important thing you learned while studying abroad?
Independence. Your parents and support systems you have at home don’t come with you when you travel abroad. Studying abroad was a great way to learn how to become more independent.


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