Meet the Staff: Riley Stewart

2016-09-07-08-13-07Riley Stewart

Number of Countries Visited:

Kent State- Fashion Merchandising & Finance

Akron, Ohio

Study Abroad Program:
Kent State- Spring 2015

Number One Travel Destination:
I really like the Amalfi Coast and going to Springfest- it’s a tie between those two.

Number One Bucketlist Destination:
Uhh…probably Africa, but it’s so hard to choose.

What made you decide to study abroad in college?
I was sitting in-between two girls who had both studied abroad in Paris during class, and it made me want to do it for myself.  So I went and studied in Paris.  While I was in Paris I fell in love with Europe and decided to study in Florence as well.

What made you decide to come work for FlorenceForFun?
For me, I stayed the summer after I studied here. So i just cancelled my plane ticket home.  Once I left I knew I had to come back.  I went and finished my last year of undergrad, and now I’m here for good.

Her advice to Study-Abroaders?
Do things that make you uncomfortable.  Go to places you normally wouldn’t, talk to people you would have never had a chance to talk to.  Enjoy every experience, because it really is life changing.

My second piece of advice it to fall in love. Whether that means immersing yourself in the culture, savoring the food, chatting with locals, meeting new people, learning the language or the literal meaning; Italy is amazing, take advantage of being here because not everyone gets this opportunity.


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