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Meet the Staff: Jon Fields

STAFF jonf2Jon Fields

Hometown: Wethersfield, Connecticut

College: Western New England University- Sports Management

Number One Travel Destination: Barcelona, Spain

Bucketlist Destination: Maldives


Number of Countries Visited: 13

Study Abroad Program:
I actually never studied abroad, and I regret it, but I’m out here now anyways!

What made you decide to come out to work for FlorenceForFun?
“Well I first visited John [Zewinski] last fall- we were friends in high school- and I visited five countries while here.  Easily the best vacation I’ve ever had.
At the time 
I had just moved to Florida, which had been my dream my whole life.  After working at a cubicle day in, day out, it wears on you.  I needed more adventure and fun in life.  So I subleased my room in Tampa, and came here.
I gave up a lot in Florida, but I gained a lot more.

His advice to Study Abroaders?

You never know if you’re gonna come back [to Europe] to not.  Don’t go back to America with regrets about things you didn’t do.  Do everything you can now. Reach out to people.


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