Adriana Fanuzzi
University of Delaware- Bachelors in Communications and Italian
Long Island, NY
Number of Countries Visited: 8
Number One Travel Destination:
Dublin, Ireland
Number One Bucketlist Destination:
Her Study Abroad Program:
Florence University of the Arts (FUA)-Fall 2012
What made you decide to Study Abroad in college?
I took Italian classes for 8 years, since I was in the 7th grade, and I always loved it. A part of me always knew I would study abroad, and that it would be in Italy. There was a program in Rome with my university but I wanted to go during the fall, which they didn’t offer. So I applied with FUA and ended up in Florence!
Why did you decide to work for FlorenceForFun?
Well, I got a very corporate job after graduation and I had been working there for 2 years, with this idea of always wanting to come back to Florence. My lease for my apartment was ending, and my job was two years in and felt stale so I just booked a ticket one day. 10 days before I left for Italy I got the job with FlorenceForFun.
Her advice to Study Abroaders?
Take every opportunity to travel. Don’t feel bad though if you don’t make it to everywhere on your list. That’s just an excuse for you to come back.