Georgie Gunn
Hometown: Forbes, 2871, NSW, AUS
College/Major: Media and Communications and Bachelor of Nutrition
Favorite Travel Destination: Anywhere along the coast of Italy
Bucketlist Destination: Ireland
Number of Countries Visited: 13
Study Abroad Program: Institute of Michelangelo
What made you decide to work for FlorenceforFun?
As a student, the FlorenceForFun crew seemed like a super cool family of expats. Travelling with FlorenceForFun on weekends as well as hanging out with them at events during the week, were definitely the highlights of my study abroad experience. Every staff member brought their knowledge and experience to the team and together they worked like a well-oiled machine. After 3 months of studying, I knew I wanted to extend my stay and be apart of the FlorenceForFun crew!
Advice for Study Abroaders?
- Always say yes to new experiences
- Try to make friends with students from other programs as well as the locals here in a Florence
- Speaking little Italian to the locals is always appreciated
- Get to know your bartenders and baristas – nice manners and a friendly attitude will go a long way!
- Keep a diary – you’ll want to remember this experience
- Being homesick is normal, but gelato cures everything!
Most important thing you learned while studying abroad?
My study abroad experience taught me that “life is what happens when you’re too busy making plans” as John Lennon would say.